Bury Governor Association
This is not a Bury Local Authority Traded Service, it is included for the convenience of schools.
The Bury Governor Association (BGA) is a forum for governors and trustees to get together to keep up to date with national and local issues through invited speakers and to provide training opportunities for governors and trustees. Membership options are either:
- Bury Governor Association Core Membership; or
- Bury Governor Association Core plus Training Membership
What the service provides
BGA Core Membership
- Termly meetings with guest speakers to discuss current topics.
- Affiliation to the National Governance Association (NGA).
- Networking opportunities to discuss issues and share good practice.
- Representation within the local education system to ensure the voices of governors and trustees are heard.
- Organisation of an annual conference in Bury.
BGA Core plus Training Membership
- The above benefits of core membership.
- The provision of training courses (predominantly virtual but some face to face) for school governors and trustees.
- Governors/Trustees in member schools have free access to the NGA Learning Link on-line training service.
Benefits to your school
- Gives governors and trustees opportunities to widen their awareness of the national and local education landscape.
- Develop governance capability through access to CPD, training and networking.
- Evidence of collaboration with other schools in order to strengthen governance.
The BGA is in a position to subsidise the two packages, and the cost is a flat rate across all schools. These represent significant savings compared to previous years.
Prices will be included on the price list sent to schools.
Visit the Bury Governor Association website for more information and contact details.